This page shows the total number of times each mod listed in Modgician has been installed by Modgician’s Minecraft Mod Installer between 1st January 2020 and 31st January 2020

Mod Name Installation Count Percentage Author Name
Dragon Mounts [1.8] 1 3.85% barracudaATA
Whole Tree Axe [1.7.2] 1 3.85% CubeX2
Backpacks [1.7.10] 1 3.85% Eydamos
iChun Util [1.7.10] 1 3.85% iChun
iChun Util [1.7.2] 1 3.85% iChun
Decorative Blocks [1.7.10] 1 3.85% jtrent238
Inventory Tweaks [1.9.4] 1 3.85% Kobata
Forge [1.8] 1 3.85% LexManos
Forge [1.9.4] 1 3.85% LexManos
Forge [1.7.10] 1 3.85% LexManos, Eloraam, Spacetoad
Forge [1.7.2] 1 3.85% LexManos, Eloraam, Spacetoad
Too Many Items [1.7.10] 1 3.85% Marglyph
OreSpawn [1.7.10] 1 3.85% RealMinecraftian
Damage Indicators [1.7.10] 1 3.85% rich1051414
ThebombzenAPI [1.7.2] 1 3.85% Thebombzen
ThebombzenAPI [1.8] 1 3.85% Thebombzen
Legends Core [1.7.10] 1 3.85% Tihyo
Superheroes Unlimited [1.7.10] 1 3.85% Tihyo
Slime Void Lib [1.7.2] 1 3.85% VengeurK
Forge [1.7.10] Dependency 1 3.85%
Forge [1.7.2] Dependency 1 3.85%
Forge [1.8.8] Dependency 1 3.85%
Forge [1.8.9] Dependency 1 3.85%
Forge [1.8] Dependency 2 7.69%
Forge [1.9.4] Dependency 1 3.85%
Total: 26