This page shows the total number of times each mod listed in Modgician has been installed by Modgician’s Minecraft Mod Installer between 1st May 2020 and 31st May 2020

Mod Name Installation Count Percentage Author Name
Industrial Craft 2 [1.9.4] 2 1.72% Alblaka
Ice and Fire [1.12.2] 2 1.72% alex1the1666
Dynamic Lights [1.7.10] 1 0.86% AtomicStryker
Dynamic Lights [1.9.4] 2 1.72% AtomicStryker
Baubles [1.12.2] 2 1.72% Azanor13
Thaumcraft [1.12.2] 1 0.86% Azanor13
Dragon Mounts [1.9.4] 2 1.72% barracudaATA
BDLib [1.12.2] 2 1.72% bdew
Gendustry [1.12.2] 2 1.72% bdew
Twilight Forest [1.12.2] 1 0.86% Benimatic
Farming for Blockheads 1 0.86% BlayTheNinth
KleeSlabs [1.12.2] 1 0.86% BlayTheNinth
Waystones [1.12.2] 1 0.86% BlayTheNinth
Railcraft [1.12.2] 1 0.86% CovertJaguar
Computer Craft 1 0.86% dan200
Bonsai Trees 2 1 0.86% davenonymous
Actually Additions [1.12.2] 1 0.86% Ellpeck
Advanced Hook Launchers [1.12.2] 1 0.86% EnderLanky
ForgEndertech [1.12.2] 2 1.72% EnderLanky
Large Ore Deposits [1.12.2] 1 0.86% EnderLanky
Ore Excavation [1.12.2] 1 0.86% Funwayguy
Security Craft [1.7.2] 1 0.86% Geforce132
Iron Backpacks [1.12.2] 1 0.86% gr8pefish
Roguelike Dungeons [1.12.2] 2 1.72% greymerktv
Astral Sorcery [1.12.2] 1 0.86% HellFirePvP
Gravestone Mod [1.12.2] 1 0.86% henkelmax
iChun Util [1.7.10] 1 0.86% iChun
Morph [1.7.10] 1 0.86% iChun
Portal Gun [1.7.10] 1 0.86% iChun
Trail Mix [1.7.10] 1 0.86% iChun
LLibrary [1.12.2] 1 0.86% iLexiconn
AgriCraft [1.12.2] 1 0.86% InfinityRaider
InfinityLib [1.12.2] 1 0.86% InfinityRaider
Clumps [1.12.2] 1 0.86% Jaredlll08
Craft Tweaker [1.12.2] 1 0.86% Jaredlll08
Decorative Blocks [1.7.10] 1 0.86% jtrent238
Drinks Mod [1.7.10] 1 0.86% jtrent238
Youtubers 1 0.86% jtrent238
Inventory Tweaks [1.9.4] 2 1.72% Kobata
Cosmetic Armor Reworked [1.12.2] 1 0.86% LainMI
Forge [1.12.2] 18 15.52% Lex Manos
Forge [1.9.4] 2 1.72% LexManos
Forge [1.7.2] 1 0.86% LexManos, Eloraam, Spacetoad
Cyclic [1.12.2] 1 0.86% Lothrazar
Random Things [1.12.2] 1 0.86% Lumien231
LootBags 1 0.86% Malorolam
Tinkers Construct [1.9.4] 2 1.72% mDiyo
Animal Bikes [1.12.2] 1 0.86% Noppes
Fast Leaf Decay [1.12.2] 1 0.86% olafskiii
Reliquary [1.12.2] 1 0.86% P3pp3rF1y
DecoCraft 1 0.86% RazzleberryFox
PTRLib [1.12.2] 1 0.86% RazzleberryFox
Mo’ Chickens [1.6.4] 1 0.86% saxon564
Mo’ Chickens [1.7.10] 1 0.86% saxon564
Industrial Craft 2 [1.12.2] 1 0.86% sfPlayer1
Aquaculture 2 [1.12.2] 1 0.86% Shadowclaimer
ProjectE [1.12.2] 1 0.86% SinKillerJ
Forestry [1.12.2] 2 1.72% SirSengir
BuildCraft [1.12.2] 1 0.86% SpaceToad
CoFH Core [1.12.2] 1 0.86% TeamCoFH
CoFH World [1.12.2] 1 0.86% TeamCoFH
Redstone Flux [1.12.2] 1 0.86% TeamCoFH
Thermal Foundation [1.12.2] 1 0.86% TeamCoFH
Thermal Innovation [1.12.2] 1 0.86% TeamCoFH
Guide API [1.12.2] 2 1.72% TehNut
Biomes O’ Plenty [1.12.2] 1 0.86% TheAdubbz
AutoSwitch [1.9.4] 1 0.86% Thebombzen
ThebombzenAPI [1.11.2] 1 0.86% Thebombzen
ThebombzenAPI [1.12.2] 1 0.86% Thebombzen
ThebombzenAPI [1.9.4] 2 1.72% Thebombzen
WorldAndGenerationTweaks [1.7.10] 1 0.86% Thebombzen
Environmental Tech [1.12.2] 1 0.86% ValkyrieofNight
ValkyrieLib [1.12.2] 1 0.86% ValkyrieofNight
Neat [1.12.2] 1 0.86% Vazkii
Blood Magic [1.12.2] 2 1.72% WayofTime
Torchmaster 1 0.86% xalcon
Extreme reactors [1.12.2] 1 0.86% ZeroNoRyouki
ZeroCore [1.12.2] 1 0.86% ZeroNoRyouki
Forge [1.7.2] Dependency 1 0.86%
Forge [1.9.4] Dependency 2 1.72%
Mantle [1.9.4] 2 1.72%
Total: 116